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Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Willow Servicing

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  • What is Willow Servicing?
    Willow Servicing partners with lenders and mortgage servicers to provide borrowers like you a simple way to submit monthly payments online. Willow collects payments made through your online portal on behalf of your lender. Willow also sends email notifications so that you always know the status of your loan. Read more about Willow Servicing here.
  • I forgot my online payment portal password.
    If you forgot the password to your payment portal, go to the login screen and select “reset password”. You will be prompted to enter your email address. If your email address matches what Willow Servicing has on file, you will be sent an email with instructions to reset your password.
  • How do I submit a payment?
    When a payment is due, you will receive a statement sent to you via email. In order to successfully submit your payment, you will need to provide information about which bank account you would like to pay from. You can connect your bank account under the "Payment Method" section of your mortgage portal.
  • Can I use my routing number to make an online payment?
    If your bank is not partnered with our payment partner, Plaid, there is an option to supply your bank account and routing number to make a payment. Otherwise, you will be asked to provide your banking credentials to connect securely to your preferred bank account. Learn more about bank partnerships with Plaid here.
  • What does a "processing" payment mean?
    When a payment has been submitted, it is first moved into the “processing” state until the funds have cleared. This process can take up to 3-4 business days. There is no additional action required from you during the processing time.
  • Can I make a payment if it is past due?
    Yes, you are encouraged to make a payment through the online payment portal even if it is past due. Once your payment is collected, it will be applied to your mortgage balance.
  • Can I remove an account that I’ve already linked?
    Yes, you can disconnect your account from Plaid anytime by pressing the trash can to the right of your bank account. Note, that when a payment is processing, you will not be able to disconnect your account until the payment has successfully completed.
  • What should I do if I can’t connect my bank account?
    If you are having trouble connecting your bank account to the payment portal, it may be that your bank does not work with our payment partner, Plaid. In this case, please mail a check for the full statement amount to your lender.
  • What should I do if my payment fails?
    You will be notified via email if your payment fails to clear. If your payment fails, you should check to make sure you have sufficient funds in your account to make a full payment. You can go to your mortgage payment portal to submit your payment again or you can make a paper check directly to your lender.
  • Where can I view my payment history?
    You can view all of your previous payments made in your online payment portal. Select “Payment History” in the navigation menu to view all of your payment details.
  • Can my lender or Willow Servicing see my banking credentials?
    No, we will never have access to any of your banking credentials.
  • How do I know my information is secure?
    You can learn more about how Plaid protects your information here. We do not store your login credentials in our database, nor are your login credentials ever shared with us.
  • Where are Willow Servicing's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy?
    View Willow Servicing's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at the Willow Servicing website at any time.

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